Mary Kay Order - Party Coaching Sheet


How would you like to have a 90% hold rate?
Follow the steps below and you absolutely will.
Happy coaching…selling…booking…and team building!
Create a folder or binder titled “PARTY COACHING.” In it keep extra copies of the Party
Coaching Sheet and party invites (from section 2). Then follow the steps below!
You’ve booked the party and now it’s time to coach it.
Call your scheduled hostess and get her excited about what she can get for free! Go
through your hostess program with her and make sure she understands how she can earn
the products on her wish list.
Then say ―It’s my job to make sure you reap all the rewards that we offer to our hostesses
and so I’m going to make this super easy for you and mail out really cute invitations to your
guests list. There is no expense to you…all you have to do is provide me with the mailing
addresses and phone numbers of your guests. They are super cute and who doesn’t like to
get something ―fun‖ in the mail!? Would it be better for me to call you back or would you like
to e-mail me the list? Great, I will have a special gift for you (mini hand cream) if you e-mail
me back within 48 hours with your guest list.‖
*Send a confirmation e-mail to her saying: Thank you again for hosting a party on
____________. You are helping me reach my goal of making 30 faces beautiful in June. As I
mentioned on the phone, if you e-mail me with the names mailing addresses and phone number
of all the guests you would like to invite to your party and I will send them a super cute invitation
that looks like it came from you! Shortly after that, you will get a package of goodies in the mail
from me and I will send out the invites to your girls! Your girls will rsvp directly to you and then I
just give you a quick call a few days before we get together to get a head count.
Mail out party invitations ASAP to her guest list. Invitations can be found on
section 2 of the Mary Kay order form or online ordering (20 for $1.00).
Hostess Packet: Include Hostess Program flier or brochure, hostess note (see
website), copy of invitation you sent to her guests, a few Look Books and Sales
Tickets for outside orders. If this is your hostesses second appointment see
*EXTRA SPECIAL…you really want to wow your hostess….include a package of
Brownie or Cookie mix with Pink Lemonade with a note saying: ―Here are some


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