Shangri La Care Cooperative Nonowner Membership Registration Form


Non-Owner Membership Registration Form
--- Please print clearly to avoid errors ---
Membership #: (Office Assigned)__________________
Username: (Office Assigned)_____________________
Password: (Office Assigned)_____________________
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________ State: __________ Zip: ____________
Email Address: ______________________________________________________
CA Drivers License or ID Number: ______________________________________
Phone Number: (_________)________________________
Date Of Birth: _______/_______/_____________
I have read and understand the Collective’s bylaws, rules and/or guidelines and consent to joining this Collective. I also
understand that I am not acquiring an ownership interest in the Collective and that I am only joining this Collective as a
I certify under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of California and the United States of America that:
1. I have the right to obtain and use cannabis for medical purposes where that medical use has been deemed
appropriate and has been recommended and/or approved by a California physician who has determined that my
health would benefit from the use of cannabis in the treatment of cancer, anorexia, chronic pain, spasticity,
glaucoma, arthritis, migraine, or any other illness for which cannabis provides relief;
2. I am qualified medical cannabis patient who is entitled to the protections of California Health and Safety Code
sections 11362.5 and 11362.7 et seq.;
3. A true and correct copy of my physician’s recommendation and/or approval for the medical use of cannabis is
attached hereto;
4. As a qualified medical cannabis patient under the Compassionate Use Act, and the Medical Marijuana Program
Act, I intend to associate with the members of this Collective in order collectively to cultivate cannabis for medical
purposes pursuant to the Medical Marijuana Program Act which includes, in part, California Health & Safety Code
section 11362.775 and section 1(b)(3) of the uncodified portion of the Medical Marijuana Program Act, which was
enacted by the People of the State of California, in part, in order to promote uniform and consistent application of
the Compassionate Use Act among the counties within California, and to enhance access of patients and
caregivers to medical cannabis through collective and/or cooperative cultivation projects;
5. As a member of this Collective, I understand and agree that each and every member of this Collective will
contribute labor, funds, supplies, services and/or materials towards the cultivation and/or procurement of medical
6. That the Collective may also provide a means for facilitating and/or coordinating transactions between members,
while excluding all non-members from any exchanges, reimbursements, provisions, renumerations or any other
transaction that involves medical cannabis;
7. That none of the members of this Collective shall profit from the sale or distribution of medical cannabis;
8. That the Collective shall only acquire cannabis from its constituent members because only cannabis grown by a
qualified patients or his or her primary caregiver may lawfully be transported by, or distributed to, other members
of the Collective;
9. That the Collective may allocate medical cannabis to other members of the group, and that nothing allows
cannabis to be distributed and/or allocated outside the Collective and its members;
10. That the cannabis grown for this Collective shall be:
a. Provided free to qualified patients and primary caregivers who are members of this Collective;
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