Graduate School Statement Template Page 17


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 The first sentence should be unique and compelling, possibly thought
provoking or attention-grabbing.
 First sentences may explain your desire to study the subject of interest or
discuss the motivation that influenced your desire to study the subject of
interest. State it in a creative manner.
 The sentences following the first sentence should provide a brief
explanation that supports the claim stated in the first sentence.
The Body:
 The body should include several paragraphs (usually about 3) that provides
detailed evidence to support the statement made in the introductory
paragraph. The paragraphs should flow by using transitions and
 Each paragraph should have a transition, which starts each paragraph with
a topic statement that will be the theme of that paragraph (See more on
transitions and resolutions below).
 Each paragraph should have a resolution, which ends each paragraph with
a meaningful sentence that provides a transition to the next paragraph
(See more on transitions and resolutions below).
 Experiences, accomplishments, or any other evidence that can support
your claims should be included in the body. Future Goals should also be
mentioned in the body.
 A short summary of your educational background can be discussed in the
1st paragraph.
 Personal experiences and the reasons for wanting to attend the school can
be discussed in the 2nd paragraph.
 Do not repeat what was stated in the application.
 The last paragraph should explain why you should be accepted.[/li
 The conclusion is the last paragraph of the personal statement.
 State why you are interested in studying the subject of interest.
 State the key points mentioned in the body, such as your experiences or
accomplishments, that explain your interest in the subject. State it in a
conclusive and brief manner.
 End on a positive note with one or two attention-grabbing sentences.
It is crucial that your paragraphs have transitions and resolutions. Transitions
start a paragraph by providing a statement that suggests the theme for that
paragraph. This allows the reader to be aware of the direction the essay is
heading in. Transitions connect paragraphs to other paragraphs (usually
The Writing Center: Writing a Grad School Personal Statement


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