Technical And Financial Proposal Template Page 3


Format and Structure
Provides a listing of the deliverables of
Describes the format (e.g. MS Word document) and
the Activity
Structure (e.g. Outline, indicating the scope and
content) of each deliverable.
Work Plan and Duration
The work plan and duration for the overall consulting work, including any dependencies between the separate items in the scope. The bidder should provide
milestones for each deliverable. The work plan should break down the phases and tasks within each phase and indicate which re sources will be working on
these tasks
Track Record
The bidder’s track record on projects similar in both size and nature undertaken in the last (7) years, and references of suitable client references with contact
CVs of Project Staff
A summary of proposed team and a description of each project staff role and their relevant experience. Brief resumes of the team who will work on the project
(all detailed resumes should be included in an Appendix). The bidder should also indicate the availability of the proposed staff and indicate which phases of
the project each team member is participating in, what role they will be playing, and what their utilization rate will be (percentage of their time), below is the
required template to be filled for each team member


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