Technical And Financial Proposal Template Page 15


Unit cost (man
Number of Units
Project Planning and Management
Total Cost
day cost)
(man days)
[ List all activities associated with
Skill 1
Project Management]
Skill 2
Skill n
Total Amount in Words: (Only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jordanian Dinars)
8. Other Costs (if any)
Note (1): The Itemized Financial Proposal will be examined prior Contract Award in order to ascertain that the items are correctly calculated. The
itemized prices are for reference only and the lump sum price shall constitute all costs …etc incurred by the bidder for the execution of the
project. Should any arithmetical error be found, it will be corrected and the Proposal Value will be amended accordingly. MoICT encourages all
bidders to study carefully their prices and to submit their final and lowest prices.
Note (2): The bidder shall also take into account that all the rates quoted in his Price Proposal shall be fixed throughout the Contract duration and
that no adjustment to such rates shall be accepted by MoICT, except when otherwise provided for in the Contract.


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