Well Child Exam Form - Early Childhood: 18 Months Page 3


Your Child’s Health at 18 Months
Health Tips:
Your child’s check-ups will be spaced farther apart as your
child gets older. If you have concerns between checkups, be
Ways your child is developing between 18 and 24 months.
sure to call the doctor or nurse and ask questions.
 Says phrases of at least two words
 Stacks five or six blocks
Check to make sure your child has had all the shots he
 Is curious and likes to explore people, places and things
needs. If your child has missed some shots, make an
 Protests and says, “NO!”
appointment to get them soon. Your child needs all of the
 Kicks and throws a ball
required shots to have the best protection against serious
 Imitates adults
 Kisses and shows affection
 Follows two-step directions
Your child’s appetite may be less than in the past. Offer her a
variety of healthy foods. Let her decide how much of each
For Help or More Information:
food to eat. Do not force her to finish food.
Car seat safety:
 Contact the Auto Safety Hotline at 1-888-327-4236 or online at
Your child needs two cups of milk or yogurt, or three slices of
cheese each day. Avoid low-fat foods until age 2.
 To locate a Child Safety Seat Inspection Station, call 1-866-
SEATCHECK (866-732-8243) or online at
Each child develops in his own way, but you know your child
best. If you think he is not developing well, you can get a free
For information about childhood immunizations:
screening. Call your child’s doctor or nurse if you have
Call the National Immunization Program Hotlines at 1 (800) 232-
4636 or online at
Parenting Tips:
For information about lead screening:
Name your child’s feelings out loud – happy, sad or mad.
Medicaid Consumer Hotline-800.324.8680
Use words to tell her what is coming next. Your child can
Poison Prevention:
understand more words than she can say. Give your child
Call the Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222 or online at
simple choices. Example “squash or peas?”
Calmly set limits for your child by giving him something
different to do. Praise him when he does things that you like.
Social Support Services: Contact the local county Department
of Job and Family Services Healthchek Coordinator
When you are a parent you will be happy, mad, sad,
frustrated, angry and afraid, at times. This is normal. If you
For help finding childcare:
feel very mad or frustrated:
Bureau of Child Care and Development -800.886.3537
1. Make sure your child is in a safe place (like a crib) and
walk away.
2. Call a good friend to talk about what you are feeling.
If you’re concerned about your child’s development:
Contact Help Me Grow at 1-800-755-GROW (4769) or at
3. Call Cooperative Extension for classes-614. 688.5378
800.448.3000 or visit Boystown Parenting Hotline
4. Call
at (
). They will not
ask your name, and can offer helpful support and guidance.
Parenting skills or support:
The helpline is open 24 hours a day.
Call Cooperative Extension for classes-614. 688.5378
Support for families of children with special health care needs:
Safety Tips
Children Special Health Care Services, Family phone line at 1-
Falls often cause young children to get hurt. Take your child
to a safe playground. Find one that has padding, sand, or
Bureau for Children with Medical Handicaps, ODH
wood chips under the toys. Look for small toys that fit a
1-800-755-4769 (Parents). Visit the Website at:
toddler. Stay close to your child while they are playing.
Your child may try to get out of her car seat. Avoid letting her
Prevention of Unintentional childhood injuries:
get out, because then she will try again and again.
National Safe Kids Campaign 1-202-662-0600 or
If she tries, be firm, stop the car, and refuse to move until
she stays buckled in.
Take soft toys, picture books, and music to entertain
Domestic Violence hotline:
your child in the car.
National Domestic Violence Hotline - (800) 799-SAFE (7233) or
Wear your own seat belt, too.
online at
This screening form was adapted by the Ohio Medicaid managed care plans and Ohio Department of Job and Family Services for the
Healthchek-EPSDT Collaborative Performance Improvement Project.


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