Human Interaction With Environment Worksheet Page 2


unit seven Worksheet
Name ______________________________________
Lesson 6
theme human interaction with
Analyzing text: Read the excerpts titled Marking Territory, Using What’s There, and Making
Way to note the positive and negative impacts of the selection and construction of the Century 21
fairgrounds site on humans and the environment. Consider all stakeholders in this decision.
marking territory Not all civic seas were smooth, however. Legal and public relations wrangles
with Seattle attorney Alfred Schweppe slowed momentum, as the need to calm tempests with the Nile
Shriners, the Seattle Archdiocese, and the Seattle Public Schools.
The site contained some buildings that could not be torn down because of their ownership or prove-
nance, or because they might be useful. These included the huge National Guard Armory, High School
Memorial Stadium, Civic Auditorium, Ice Arena and VGW Hall. A small apartment house and an insur-
ance agency, both recently constructed, were eventually repurposed for world’s fair staff office space.
The newly built Nile Shrine Temple and the Catholic Sacred Heart Parish sat within the fair site, and
that caused problems. When Archbishop Thomas A. Connolly of the Seattle Archdiocese got wind of
the plan to acquire the parish land through condemnation, he summoned Carlson to his residence and
reminded him that a number of high-ranking government officials were both practicing Catholics and
(thus far) supporters of the fair.
Similarly, Harold Shefelman was summoned to a meeting of all the Nile Shriners’ past potentates.
Carlson went along to offer moral support and later remembered the group as “a pretty stony-faced
bunch.” The battle to escape the fair’s eminent domain take, Carlson recalled, “united these two
groups (the Shriners and the Catholic Church) for the first time in history. The fairgrounds footprint was
modified to exclude the parish buildings, and the Shriners kept their property, but agreed to lease their
brand new building to the exposition company during the fair.”
using What’s there Initial plans called for the demotion of Memorial Stadium. The school
district beat that down, but the Warren Avenue School lay in the very middle of the site and would
have to go. The National Guard Armory required modifications, especially so that the entrances
could accommodate crowds. Almost all of the 27 existing restroom facilities were designed for men,
so many needed to be converted for women. The uneven wooden armory floor, previously used to
accommodate National Guard drill practiced, required resurfacing. Attempts were also made to
improve the bulking building’s dodge acoustics.
The Ice Arena received improvements, including converting some of the its restrooms into dressing
rooms for use by visiting performers, adding an insulation cover over the ice surface to increase
spectator seating for stage shows, improving the heating and ventilation systems, and adding a
portable stage platform.
The Civic Auditorium was altered most. The Design Standards Advisory Board recommended that
a new concert hall and opera house be constructed with the shell of the old Civic Auditorium. This
saved millions of dollars.
Century 21 Exposition 1962 Seattle World’s Fair 50th Anniversary Curriculum


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