Do It On-line:
Our reference:
PXA website
9 January 2015
Application to vote by proxy.
Please find enclosed a form for you to apply to vote by proxy. Please complete the form following
the guidelines notes printed on the back of this letter and then return it to us:
By email
Complete the enclosed form. Remember to sign it and provide your date of birth. Scan both pages
of the form and send it by email to
By post
Complete the enclosed form. Remember to sign it and provide your date of birth. Post it back to us
Electoral Services,
Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council
Gibson Building, Gibson Drive
Kings Hill, West Malling
Kent ME19 4LZ
Please note that the deadline for the receipt of new or updated proxy vote applications is 5pm, six
working days prior to the date of an election, and it is recommended that you submit your application
as soon as possible.
If you need any further help or guidance, then please telephone us on 01732 876022.
Yours sincerely,
Julie Beilby
Electoral Registration Officer
Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer: Julie Beilby BSc(Hons) MBA
Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council, Gibson Building, Gibson Drive, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent ME19 4LZ
Electoral Services: 01732 876022 Email: