Bvm Puc Allotment Form - Bvm Business Page 2


The standard terms & conditions forming part of “BVM PUC Allotment Form” are stipulated as under.
Further in such terms & conditions:
The term “Company” denotes “Adarsh Nirogdham Private Limited” a Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered
office at “BVM Business” 5/84-A ground floor, sec-5 rajender nagar, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, U.P. 201005
PUC denotes “Pick Up Center” and PUC Holder denotes successful applicant of BVM PUC.
WHEREAS the Company is engaged in marketing and distribution of various types of goods and products through “Multi Level Marketing” system under
the brand name of “BVM”. The Company has undertaken a plan to expand its business throughout the country. For this the Company has considered it
necessary to allot “Pick up Centers” throughout the country, to strengthen its sale and distribution network. Such Pick up Centers will be operated and
managed by the PUC Holders at their cost and expenses. The Company will supply its products for sale & distribution to such Pick up Centers at
discounted price.
The Terms & conditions for operation and management of aforesaid BVM PUC, by the BVM PUC Holder are stipulated as under: -
1. The BVM PUC Holder shall work consciously in a professional manner for the sale and distribution of Company’s products.
A. BVM PUC Holder shall totally concentrate over sale and distribution of Company’s products. He shall not involve in any other
business/employment of similar nature either directly or indirectly.
B. BVM PUC Holder shall not permit nor directly or indirectly involve in operation/management of any other business/activity of similar
nature at the place of allotted for BVM PUC.
C. The BVM PUC Holder shall not change the name, address and other arrangements of allotted PUC as stated in “BVM PUC Allotment Form”
without Written permission of the Company.
D. The BVM PUC Holder shall be responsible to arrange covered, specified and segregated shop/showroom at the place of PUC. In case of rented
premises, he shall also be responsible to pay rent and other charges including the local taxes etc out of his pocket. He shall also be responsible to
arrange necessary furniture & fixtures, electric installation, computer & software, printers, telephone and internet connections, manpower,
electricity & water Connections, interior and exterior decoration, displays etc. as per the guidelines of the Company for the PUC at his costs.
E. BVM PUC Holder shall undertake to keep open the BVM PUC, from 10.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. on all working days and shall provide adequate time
and response to all Direct Sellers of the Company.
F. BVM PUC Holder shall provide computerized invoices to all purchasers through its official login ID, allotted by the Company.
G. BVM PUC Holder shall be responsible to make all sales strictly in accordance with the Company’s guidelines. He shall also be responsible to
provide complete and detailed information of the Company’s promotional schemes and its benefits to all purchasers adequately but he
shall not provide special discounts to anybody, without written permission of the Company.
2. BVM PUC Holder shall not assign, mortgage, hypothecate, sublet or otherwise part with possession or create any right in third party rights in the
Allotted BVM PUC without written consent of the Company.
3. The BVM PUC Holder shall observe and comply with all laws, rules & regulations etc. for the time being in force. In case of any default, he shall be
personally liable.
4. The BVM PUC Holder shall maintain and keep in possession adequate stock of Company’s products for sale and distribution. In case of paucity of
adequate stock, Company shall have reserve the right to terminate his BVM PUC with immediate effect without any notice.
5. The Company also reserves the right to allot the BVM PUC at the same place to anybody else.
6. In all cases Company will acknowledge only the payments, received either by direct deposit/RTGS/NEFT or online fund transfer to the
Company’s Bank A/c.
7. If the BVM PUC Holder receives any product whose “Best Before Date/Expiry Date” as printed over it is very short and the sale and/ or
distribution of such products is not practicable before the Expiry Date” he shall intimate the Company forthwith in writing latest within 7
days of receipt of such products and shall take all necessary steps as per directions of the Company. In case of default the Company shall not
be responsible for any loss or damage incurred.
8. BVM PUC Holder shall prepare and maintain all requisite books of accounts e.g. journals, ledgers, registers, invoices, returns, challans etc. and
statutory records. The Company reserves the right to carry audit of such records at any time without notice to BVM PUC Holder. The BVM PUC Holder
shall be responsible to cooperate with them and provide them all facilities, documents and informations required to carry such audit.
9. BVM PUC Holder shall have no right to claim damages for delayed/defective supplies against the Company in any case.
10. If Company finds PUC Holder directly or indirectly involved in any activity dormant to Direct Sellers ID,the Company reserves the right to terminate
his/herPUC, without any notice. In such case Company also reserves the right to confiscate all payables of the PUC Holder, may it be cash or kind.
11. The Company has absolute discretion to appoint additional BVM PUC Holder/s at the same place without any notice to existing BVM PUC Holder.
12. In case of any dispute with a Direct Seller regarding quality of products etc., The BVM PUC Holder shall intimate the facts to the Company
immediately and the Company will suggest the appropriate action in the facts and circumstances of the case.
13. BVM SPUC Holder will have to make an interest free (refundable) Security Deposit of minimum Rs. 10,000/- (Rs. Ten Thousand only) to the
Company along with this application form.
Signature of the Applicant______________________________________
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