Entity Tax Self-Certification Form Page 4


Why is all this information being asked?
Under the Intergovernmental Agreement between Canada and the United States of America
(“Canadian IGA”), Canadian fi nancial institutions are
required to collect and report information on their account holders who are U.S. citizens and/or U.S. residents for U.S. tax purposes to the Canada
Revenue Agency (CRA), and certain U.S. citizens and U.S. residents for U.S. tax purposes who are considered controlling persons of an entity with a
fi nancial account. Under the Canadian IGA, the CRA would exchange this information with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS). As a result, Canadian
fi nancial institutions are required to ask for the tax status of an entity account holder and certain information on any controlling persons of the entity who
are considered U.S. persons. Please advise your registered dealer immediately if the entity or any controlling persons have a change in circumstances of
the information provided in the Entity Tax Self-Certifi cation form.
Requirement to provide Taxpayer Identifi cation Number(s) (TIN)
Under the Income Tax Act (Canada), the CRA may impose a penalty if you fail to provide the Canadian fi nancial institution with the requested Social
Insurance Number (SIN), Business Number (BN) or the U.S. TIN, as applicable. If you are a (specifi ed) U.S. person and you do not have a U.S. TIN,
penalties will not be assessed if an application for the assignment of the U.S. TIN is made within 90 days of the request and provided to your registered
dealer within 15 days of receipt.
Will the account be reported?
In general, an account will be reported if the account holder is a specifi ed U.S. person, a Passive NFFE with U.S. Person(s) as controlling person(s) or a
NPFI. In addition, an account may also be reported if the account holder fails to provide the necessary documentation as requested by your registered
dealer, even though the account holder may not be a specifi ed U.S. person, a Passive NFFE with U.S. Person(s) as a controlling person(s) or a NPFI.
To the extent an account is reportable, under the Canadian IGA, the fi nancial institution will report the account information to the CRA. The CRA may
then provide this information to the IRS in accordance with the provisions of the Canada-U.S. Tax Convention.
Where can I obtain further information?
For further information, please visit the CRA website at or the IRS website at
A controlling person may include:
• Any shareholder or partner who directly or indirectly owns 25% or more of a corporation or a partnership.
• Any benefi ciary (regardless of % of ownership interest), trustee or settlor of a trust.
Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada to Improve International Tax Compliance through Enhanced Exchange
of Information under the Convention Between the United States of America and Canada with Respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital.


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