Medicare Questionnaire Template


Great Basin Physical Therapy and
Performance Center
Medicare Questionaire
To assist with our Medicare billing, we need the following information:
1. Did you receive Home Health Care within the past year? ( ) yes ( ) no
(Home Health Care is defined as anyone coming to your home doing
therapy, cleaning, taking blood pressure, etc. from a health care agency).
a) If yes, please list the name of the company who supplied the home
health or the name of therapist who assisted you:
b) Date Medicare released you from Home Health:_______________
STOP: If you answered yes to the above question, Medicare must release you
from Home Health in order to be seen in our office. Medicare will not pay for
Home Health & Outpatient Physical Therapy at the same time.
2. Were you admitted to a Rehabilitation Center within the past year?
( ) yes ( ) no
If yes, which center were you admitted?
a) What date were you discharged?_________________________________
STOP: You must have been discharged from the Rehabilitation Center in order to
be seen in our office.
3. Have you been hospitalized within the past year with this problem? If yes,
when were you discharged from the hospital & which hospital were you
4. When is your next Doctor’s appointment?____________________________
Patient Signature or Representative
Thank you for your assistance,
Great Basin Physical Therapy and Performance Center, LLC.


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