Veterinary Medical Evaluation Form - The Good Dog Foundation Page 2

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Are you or the owner aware of any current medical problems?
Recently noticed:
Diarrhea ___
Scratching ___
Vomiting ___
Lethargy ___
Frequent urination ___ Coughing ___
Sneezing ___
Open sores ___
External parasites ___ Anorexia ___
Runny eyes ___
Runny nose ___
Please examine the following: (make any comments you deem necessary)
Normal Abnormal
General condition/cleanliness ____________________________________________
Nails ______________________________________________________________
Coat ______________________________________________________________
Integument _________________________________________________________
Ears ______________________________________________________________
Eyes ______________________________________________________________
Nose _____________________________________________________________
Oral cavity _________________________________________________________
Lymph nodes _______________________________________________________
Urogenital _________________________________________________________
Auscultation ________________________________________________________
Abdominal Palpation __________________________________________________
Temperature ________________________________________________________
Additional comments:
Do you feel that this dog should participate in Therapy Dog Services in healthcare facilities
(keeping in mind the health of the dog, hospital patients and staff)?
Yes, with the following concerns addressed:
Veterinarian’s name (Please print):___________________________________
Veterinarian’s signature: __________________________________ Date: _________________
Please scan/email this form to and keep a copy
for your records. Alternatively, you can physically mail this form to the physical address
| 817 Broadway, 4th Fl | New York, NY 10003| (888) 859-9992


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