English, Physics, Mathematics Worksheet With Answers Page 3


Read the following passage and answer Q No.18 to 20
“A man who has no sense of history”, Hitler declared, “is like a man who has
no ears or eyes”. He himself claimed to have had a passionate interest in history
since his school days and he displayed considerable familiarity with the course of
European history. His conversation was studied with historical references and
historical parallels. More than that, Hitler's whole cast of thought was historical, and
his sense of mission was derived from his sense of history. Like his contemporary
Spangler, Hitler was fascinated by the rise and fall of civilisations. He was himself
born at a critical moment in European history when the liberal bourgeois world of the
nineteenth century was disintegrating. What would take its place? The future lays
with the 'Jew-Bolshevik' ideology of the masses unless Europe could be saved by the
Nazi racist ideology of the elite.
Q18. Who has no ears or eyes?
(A)A man having sense of history
(B)A man who has no sense of history
(C)A man who has extra knowledge
(D)A man having passionate interest in history
Ans :B
Q19. Hitler displayed familiarity with:
(A)Scientific facts
(B)Indian history
(C)European history
(D)None of these
Ans :C
Q20. Hitler's sense of mission was derived from :
(A)His love of mankind
(B) his sense of history
(C) Nowhere
(D) contemporary society
Ans :B


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