English, Physics, Mathematics Worksheet With Answers Page 2


Form an adjective from the given word
Q11. Gold
(A)The Gold
(C) Golden
Ans : C
Give the plural of the given word
Q12. Hero
(A) Heroine
(B) Heros
(C) Heroies
(D) Heroes
Ans :D
Fill in the blank with suitable word
Q13. Barking dogs____bite
(A) regularly
Ans :C
Identify the incorrect part
Q14. No boy in his son's class is as bright as his son is
Ans :D
Identify the meaning of the given idioms/phrases
Q15. To live in fool's paradise
(A)to have an absolutely false conception
(B)to create a stir
(C)to be clear
(D)to get fairly involved
Ans :A
Identify the indirect speech
Q16. The teacher said to me, "Be regular and learn your lesson daily" The teacher:
(A) told me that to be regular and learn my lesson daily
(B) said to me regular and learn my lesson daily
(C)advised me to be regular and learn my lesson daily
(D) request me to be regular and learn lesson daily
Ans :C
Change the voice
Q17. It is time to buy books.
It is time__________
(A) all the books to be bought
(B) for the books to be bought
(C) for books have been bought
(D) for books are being bought
Ans :B


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