Holiday Home Work 2016-17 Class Viii Page 16


ii. Name any 5 diseases caused by viruses. Also give the following information
about the same:
 Carriers of the disease
 Symptoms
 Mode of transmission
 Methods of prevention and control
 Click/collect and paste relevant pictures
iii. Name a few viral diseases that can be prevented by timely vaccination. Also
mention the age at which that particular vaccine should be given to a child.
iv. Write a brief report on AIDS.
Q4. Bacteria -
i. Where are they found?
ii. Name any 5 diseases caused by bacteria in plants and animals. Also give the
following information about the same:
 Carriers of the disease
 Symptoms
 Mode of transmission
 Methods of prevention and control
 Click/collect and paste relevant pictures
iii. Name a few bacterial diseases that can be prevented by timely vaccination. Also
mention the age at which that particular vaccine should be given to a child.
iv. Name a few antibiotics which are commonly prescribed by the doctors during
summer season.
Q5. Protozoa -
Where are they found?
i. Name any 5 diseases caused by protozoa. Also give the following information
about the same:
 Carriers of the disease
 Symptoms
 Mode of transmission
 Methods of prevention and control
 Click/collect and paste relevant pictures
ii. Name a few commonly found protozoans. Draw their diagrams
iii. Write a brief report on diarrhea and the first aid to be given to a patient of
Q6. Consult your family doctor and write a report on ‘Control and Prevention of
Communicable Diseases’. Also collect a few pamphlets on prevention, timely detection


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