Holiday Home Work 2016-17 Class Viii Page 15


8. Setting up the new administration
9. The company’s army
10. Conclusion
(RUBRIC: Content: 5 m Presentation: 2m, Pictures: 2m, Neatness: 1m)
Activity in Civics: 5m
Read the cartoon strips on pg 7, 8, 9 in your book and give answers for the blue
printed questions. (5)
Activity in Geography: 10m
Answer the following
1. Nature provides enough for man’s need but not for his greed “.Elaborate (5)
. 2. Natural resources need scientific support. Justify. (5)
1. Question 1 is to be done group 1
2. Question 2 is to be done by group 2
3. Question 3 is to be done by group 3
4. Question 4 is to be done by group 4
5. Question 5 is to be done by group 5
6. Question 6 compulsory for all.
Make a project ( A4 colored sheets) .
Q1. Algae -
i. Where are they found?
ii. Detailed information on two useful algae and two harmful algae.
iii. Click and paste pictures of algae found in your neighborhood.
iv. Write a brief report on ‘eutrophication’ with relevant pictures.
v. Compare algae with plants.
Q2. Fungi -
i. Where are they found?
ii. Detailed information with pictures and samples oftwo useful and two harmful
iii. Click and paste pictures and samples of moulds and mushrooms.
iv. Write a brief report on fungal diseases with relevant pictures.
v. Explain two methods to check fungal growth on food items.
Q3. Virus -
i. Where are they found?


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