Holiday Home Work 2016-17 Class Viii Page 14


2) There are countless rational numbers with absolute value less than 5.
3) The absolute value of 0 is 0
FA2 Activity (to be submitted in August)
Project: History (to be done in punch sheets)
MM: 25
Prepare the projects using the given headings-
The Blue Rebellion (12m)
 Indigo and its uses
 Demand for Indian indigo world over
 British demand Indian indigo
 Cultivation of indigo
 Indigo Rebellion in India –why and how
 Conclusion and of rebellion
(RUBRIC: Content: 7 m Presentation: 2m, Pictures:2m, Neatness:1m)
Women, Caste and Reforms (13m)
 Various social evils against women prevalent in India during the 19
 Study the picture on 108 and link it with ‘Source’ on page111 and answer the
activity question on the same page
 Write down the journey of girl education in India(112-!13)
 Mention about various laws that were framed during the British Period to
safeguard the rights of women in India
(RUBRIC: Content: 8 m Presentation: 2m, Pictures:2m, Neatness:1m)
Summer Holiday Homework (FA 1 activity) (to be submitted in July)
MM: 25
Instructions: All the work is to be done on punch sheets.
Activity in History: 10m
Write about the history of The British East India Company using the following
From trading to colonial power: A story
1. Trade between the Mughals and the British company
2. Other European trading companies in India led to trade rivalry
3. Battles between the European companies
4. East india company begins trade in Bengal and how trade led to battles ….. the
battle of Plassey and the battle of Buxar
5. Just mention other battles with Mysore and the Marathas
6. The claim of paramountcy
7. Other strategies like doctrine of lapse and the subsidiary alliance


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