Holiday Home Work 2016-17 Class Viii Page 13


14) The sum of two rational numbers is (-3/7). If one of the number is (-5/8) find
the other.
15) The sum of two rational numbers is (-5/8). If one of the number is (-6/11),
find the other number.
16) To which number should (2/3) be added to give (-11/4)?
17) From which number should (-11/4) be subtracted to give (-11/4)?
18) Find the product of :
1) 5/9, -2/5
2) -5, -3/15
19) Multiply, and give the product in the standard form:
1) -6/25 by 50/24
2) 3/11 by 22
3) 21/5 by -15/21
4) -36 by -5/9
20) Verify the property a x b = b x a by taking :
1) a = (-12/7), b = (-21/5)
2) a = 0 , b = (-13/3)
21) Verify the property a x ( b x c ) = (a x b) x c by taking
1) a = (7/5), b = (-9/4), c = (1/2)
2) a = 1, b = (-13/5), c = (3/5)
22) Verify the property ax(b+c)=(axb)+(axc) by taking:
1) a = (1/3), b = 0, c = (-7/6)
2) a = -2, b = (9/5), c = (-2/15)
23) Verify ( x x y )
= x
x y
1) x = 1/2, y = 1/3
2) x = -3/4 y=-1/8
24) Verify that | x + y | ≤ | x| + | y | by taking x= 13/4 and y= 3/2
25) Verify that | x + y | = | x| + | y | by taking x = 1/2 and y = -1/4
26) The product of two rational numbers is 6. If one of them is 8, find the other
27) By what number should (-6/11) be multiplied to get (-32/11)?
28) Find the rational number between:
1) 3 and 4
2) -7 and -6
29) Find three rational numbers between:
1) -5 and 8
2) ( -1/3 ) and (1/2)
30) State whether true or false: (practice worksheet on rational numbers)
1) Absolute value of a rational number is either positive or 0.


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