Holiday Home Work 2016-17 Class Viii Page 12


Practice Worksheet on Rational numbers
Practice worksheet on rational numbers is for 7th grade.
1) Represent the following rational numbers on the number line:
b) 31/-6
c) -1/2
d) ¾
2) Write the following rational numbers in the standard form:
a) 5/15
b) -24/40
c) 33/-77
d) -45/-105
3) Compare the following rational numbers:
1) -9/27, 6/-18
2) -5/7, 10/-6
3) 3/-8, -15/40
4) -11/7, 33/21
4) Arrange the following rational numbers in the descending order:
1) 2/-3, -4/9, -5/12, 7/-18
2) 3/-4, -5/12, -7/16, 9/-24
5) Arrange the following rational numbers in the ascending order:
1) 2/5, 1/3, 3/4, 1/6
2) 5/6, 7/8, 11/12, 3/10
6) Fill in the blanks by the correct symbol >, = or < :
1) | 3/4| ---------| ½|
2) |-1/2| ----- | -3/4 |
7) Add: 1) 3/7 and -9/7,
2) 5/9 and 7/-9
3) 2/5, 5/-9 and -6/15
8) Simplify: 1) -2 + ( 3 / 8 ) + ( - 1 / 5 ) , 2) (2/3) + ( -7/11) + (-1/4 )
9) Verify that a + b = b + a by taking (1) a = -7/5, b = 2/7
(2) a = -1 , b = -2/3
10) Verify that (a+b)+c.=a+(b+c) by taking
(1) a = -2 , b = -2/3 , c = -3/4
(2) a = -12, b = -9/11, c = 7/-12
11) Simplify the following:
1) (2/3) + (-4/5) + I + (-2/3) + (-11/5)
2)(5/8) + (-8/9) + 0 + (-13/3) + (17/24)
12) Subtract : 1) (-3/4) from (1/2)
2) (5/8) from (-3/14)
13) What should be added to (-7/20) to get (-2/5)?


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