Form 3372 - Michigan Sales And Use Tax Certificate Of Exemption

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Michigan Department of Treasury
3372 (Rev. 10-07)
Michigan Sales and Use Tax Certificate of Exemption
DO NOT send to Treasury – Certificate must be retained in the Seller’s Records.
This certificate is invalid unless all four sections are completed by the purchaser.
One time purchase
Blanket certificate. Expiration date, maximum of four years:_________
Order or Invoice #:______________
The purchaser hereby claims exemption on the purchase of tangible personal property and selected services made from the
vendor listed below. This certifies that this claim is based upon the purchaser’s proposed use of the items or services, OR the
status of the purchaser.
(Vendor’s Name and Address)
All items purchased.
Limited to the following items: _____________________________________________________________________
SECTION 3: BASIS FOR EXEMPTION CLAIM (Check one of the following)
For Resale at Retail - Sales Tax License Number: __________________________________
For Lease - Use Tax Registration Number: ____________________________________________
The following exemptions DO NOT require the purchaser to provide a number:
For Resale at Wholesale
Agricultural Production ____%
Industrial Processing ____%
Church, Government Entity, Nonprofit School, or Nonprofit Hospital (Circle type of organization.)
Nonprofit Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) Exempt Organizations (must provide IRS authorized
letter with this form.)
Nonprofit Organization with an authorized letter issued by the Michigan Department of Treasury prior to June 1994
(must provide copy of letter with this form)
Rolling Stock purchased by an Interstate Motor Carrier
Direct Mail (delivered to multiple taxing jurisdictions - purchaser assumes tax payment obligation)
Other (explain): __________________________________________________________________________________
I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information on this certificate is true, that I have consulted the statutes, administrative rules and other
sources of law applicable to my exemption, and that I have exercised reasonable care in assuring that my claim of exemption is valid under Michigan
law. In the event this claim is disallowed, I accept full responsibility for the payment of tax, penalty and any accrued interest, including, if necessary,
reimbursement to the vendor for tax and accrued interest.
Type of Business (see codes on page 2)
Business Name
Business Address
City, State, ZIP Code
Name (Print or Type)
Business Telephone Number (include area code)
Signature and Title
Date Signed


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