Healthy Party Sign-Up Sheet


Sign-up Sheet for a
Dear Parents and Families,
We’re having a party to celebrate ________________________________________________________!
Date: _____________________ Time: ____________________ Number of Kids: _______________
Please sign up for one of the choices below to indicate what you will bring or send in.
Fruit item
(Ideas: fruit kabobs, fruit salad, whole fruit,
Name: ___________________________________
cut fruit, dried fruit, fruit smoothie)
Name: ___________________________________
Vegetable item
(Ideas: veggie platter with dressing or hummus,
Name: ___________________________________
veggie kabobs, carrot sticks, pepper slices):
Name: ___________________________________
Whole-grain item
(Ideas: whole-grain pretzels with mustard dip,
Name: ___________________________________
mini whole-grain bagels with cream cheese,
Name: ___________________________________
whole-grain pasta salad)
Protein item
(Ideas: yogurt, cottage cheese, string cheese,
Name: ___________________________________
bean salad, hummus with crackers)
Name: ___________________________________
Healthy drink
(Please choose from: water, seltzer,
Name: ___________________________________
water infused with fruit, milk)
Name: ___________________________________
Paper Plates
Name: ___________________________________
Name: ___________________________________
A craft you will lead the group in
Name: ___________________________________
A game you will lead the group in
Name: ___________________________________
Thank you for helping us make our program’s celebrations healthier and more fun!


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