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Section 48—Information to be provided by landlords to tenants
(1) A landlord must ensure that a tenant is given, before or at the time the landlord and tenant
enter into a residential tenancy agreement, a written notice setting out—
(a) if an agent is acting for the landlord—the agent's name, telephone number and
address for
service of documents; and
(b) the landlord's full name and address for service of documents (which must not be the
address for service); and
(c) if no agent is acting for the landlord—the landlord's telephone number; and
(d) the full name and address of any person with superior title to the landlord; and
(e) if the landlord is a company—the address of the registered office of the company; and
(f) any other information required by the Commissioner.
Maximum penalty: $1 250.
Expiation fee: $210.
(2) A landlord must take reasonable steps to ensure that a tenant is given, before or at the time
the tenant commences occupation of the premises under a residential tenancy agreement,
manufacturers' manuals, or written or oral instructions, about the operation of any
domestic facilities requiring instructions.
Domestic facilities requiring instructions should also be listed in the tenancy agreement—see
section (3a).
(3) If a person succeeds another as the landlord, the new landlord must, within 14 days, ensure
that the
tenant is given a written notice setting out—
(a) if an agent is acting for the new landlord—the agent's name, telephone number and
address for
service of documents; and
(b) the new landlord's full name and address for service of documents (which must not be
the gent's
address for service); and
(c) if no agent is acting for the new landlord—the new landlord's telephone number; and
(d) if the new landlord is a company—the address of the registered office of the
company; and
(e) any other information required by the Commissioner.
Maximum penalty: $1 250.
Expiation fee: $210.
(4) If a name, address or telephone number of which the landlord is required to notify the
tenant under
this section changes, the landlord must, within 14 days of becoming aware of the change,
notify the tenant in writing of the change.
Maximum penalty: $1 250.
Expiation fee: $210.
For further information contact Consumer and Business Services on 131 882,
or visit
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