Molecules Of Life Biology Worksheets - Unit 2 Page 2


Unit 2 Vocabulary
Each word in the list is a separate vocabulary term to define. They are organized under bold
headings into groups. Additional terms may be added as needed throughout the unit.
Chapter 2
Matter – chemical, element, compound, atom, proton, neutron, electron, nucleus (of an atom), atomic
number, mass number, isotope
bonds and compounds
electron shells, chemical bonds, ionic bonds, ion, salt, covalent bonds, molecule, double bond,
electronegativity, polar covalent bond, polar molecule, hydrophilic, nonpolar molecule, hydrophobic,
hydrogen bond, chemical reaction, reactant, product
properties of water and aqueous solutions
cohesion, adhesion, surface tension, evaporative cooling, heat, temperature, density, solute, solvent,
solution, acid, base, pH, H+ ions, OH- ions
Chapter 3
organic molecule basics
organic compound, hydrocarbon, isomers, functional groups, hydroxyl, carboxyl, amino,
macromolecule, polymer, monomer, dehydration synthesis, hydrolysis
carbohydrate, monosaccharide, glucose, fructose, disaccharide, maltose, sucrose, lactose,
polysaccharide, starch, glycogen, cellulose
lipid, hydrophobic, fat, triglyceride, unsaturated, saturated, phospholipid, waxes, steroids
protein, enzyme, amino acid, peptide bond, R group, polypeptide, denaturation, primary structure,
secondary structure, alpha helix, pleated sheet, tertiary structure, quaternary structure
nucleic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA), genes, nucleotides, phosphate
group, nitrogenous bases, double helix
(from lecture notes) nutrition - kilocalorie (= Calorie on food labels), essential fatty acids, essential
amino acids, vitamin, mineral
skills practiced:
• all skills listed from unit 1 (note taking, citing sources, graphing, experimental design, working
well with lab partners, etc)
• wearing goggles and following safety procedures during an experiment involving lab chemicals
• using physical beads, paper, and computer models to visualize atoms, bonds, and molecules
• practicing the CER “Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning” way of interpreting data and writing a
scientific discussion. Building on our lab discussion expectations.


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