Cceh Children In Shelters Child Care Assistance Fund Application Form - Connecticut Coalition To End Homelessness Page 2


Contact Person: ____________________________________
Phone number_____________________________
Child(ren) to be in Care of above named Provider:
Expected Dates of Childcare Assistance Coverage (not to exceed 8 weeks):
Start Date _______________
End Date ________________
If other children in household are in need of care with a different provider:
Additional Childcare Provider Information:
Name of Child Care Provider________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address for Payment, if different from above:
Contact Person: ____________________________________
Phone number_____________________________
Child(ren) to be in Care of above named Provider:
Expected Dates of Childcare Assistance Coverage (not to exceed 8 weeks):
Start Date _______________
End Date ________________
Has all provider and parent information been verified by shelter or CT-RRP staff?
Have parent, childcare provider and shelter/CT-RRP staff signed agreement?
Parent Signature______________________________________________
Shelter/CT-RRP Staff Signature __________________________________ Date
For CCEH use only:
Date request received____________
Reviewed By: _____________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________
Outcome: ______ Approved ______ Denied
Date approved _____________ Date Denied ______________
Reason for denial: ___________________________
Person notified: _____________________________________
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