Harassment, Intimidation, And Bullying Form - Greenwich-Stow Creek Township Partnership Schools Page 2


Greenwich-Stow Creek Township Partnership Schools
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Form
Indicate how you learned about the Alleged Incident:
Witness Alleged Incident
Informed by Alleged Victim
Informed by Other Person (If so, identify if student, parents, employee, or
volunteer): __________________________________________________
Identify what harm you believe was or may have been caused by the alleged incident.
Check all that may apply:
Substantial disruption or interference with orderly operation of the school;
Substantial disruption or interference with rights of others;
Physical or emotional harm;
Insulting or demeaning;
Creates a hostile educational environment;
Interferes with student’s education;
Other (Please elaborate): ______________________________
List anyone who you know or have reason to believe may have relevant knowledge of the
alleged incident(s) (i.e., any eye witnesses or other persons with knowledge of what is
alleged to have occurred) and please indicate if the individual(s) is/are a student, parent,
staff member of other:
Name of person who received your initial verbal report (if any): ____________________
Date of your verbal report (if any): ___________________________________________
Person to whom you provided this written report: ________________________________
Signature:______________________________________________ Date:___________
(if anonymous, please place an “X” on the signature line)


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