Harassment, Intimidation, And Bullying Form - Greenwich-Stow Creek Township Partnership Schools


Greenwich-Stow Creek Township Partnership Schools
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Form
(To Be Completed By The Individual Reporting The Incident)
Name and status of individual providing initial report:_____________________
(i.e., employee, volunteer, student, parent, community member, etc.)
Check box if you wish to remain anonymous:
Date of alleged incident:____________________
Name(s) of alleged victim(s):
Name(s) of alleged offender(s):
Description of the alleged incident(s). Include any gestures, any relevant
written/verbal/physical act(s) as well as any electronic communications and identity
what, if any, actual or perceived characteristics were or may have been a motivating
factor in the alleged incident. If necessary, please use a separate page and attach it to this


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