Firefighter Medical Exam
(to be completed by licensed physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner)
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Height: ____’______”
Weight: _________ lbs.
Student is able to send verbal messages
Vision Status: Right Eye: 20/_____ Left Eye: 20/ _____ Corrected: ___________________________
Blood Pressure: ______/______ Pulse Rate: _______
If abnormal, explain
1. Skin
2. Head & Neck
3. Eyes
4. Ears, Nose, Throat
5. Teeth & Mouth
6. Lungs & Chest
7. Cardiovascular
8. Abdomen & Lymphatics
9. Genitalia/Hernia
10. Orthopedic Screening:
a. Upper Extremities
b. Lower Extremities
c. Spine & Back
11. Neurological
Tests and/or Vaccinations
a. Tetanus BoosterDate:
b. Hepatitis: Shot Dates:
Additional comments: ______________________________________________________________________
Note: The student has provided me a copy of the “essential functions” for the program and he or she should be
able to perform these functions.
This is to certify that on this ________ day of ___________________, _________, I performed the above
limited examination of _______________________________ and based upon the medical history given, and
upon my evaluation, I am of the opinion that he/she IS_____ IS NOT _____ physically and medically able to
participate in the Lorain County Fire Chiefs Fire Training program.
Signature:_____________________________ Date:______________ Phone #:________________
Name: ________________________________________________________________________