Sample Pl Sql And Oracle Forms Developer Job Description Template Page 2


Business​ ​ T ravels
Depending on handover. Much will be done with staff in India. Some travel to introduce staff to
Nordea​ ​ F inance​ ​ D K.​ ​ C annot​ ​ s ay​ ​ a t​ ​ t he​ ​ m oment,​ ​ b ut​ ​ t ravel​ ​ i s​ ​ a ​ ​ p requisite.
Additional​ ​ I nformation
Now we are building a Developer team in Poland, to support the key Danish internally developed
application Unika. 7 persons in all will be residing in this team, 5 developers, 1 coordinator and 1
analyst.​ ​ T eam​ ​ w ill​ ​ c ollaborate​ ​ w ith​ ​ E DC​ ​ I ndia​ ​ a nd​ ​ e xpert​ ​ s taff​ ​ i n​ ​ D K.
We​ ​ o ffer:
Work​ ​ i n​ ​ i nnovative​ ​ p rojects​ ​ f or​ ​ t he​ ​ b iggest​ ​ w orldwide​ ​ b rands
Your professional career growth by matching your skills and plans with the suitable
Business​ ​ t rips​ ​ ( 2-3​ ​ d ays,​ ​ 2 ​ ​ t imes​ ​ p er​ ​ m onth)
Possibility​ ​ t o​ ​ w ork​ ​ i n​ ​ o ther​ ​ N ATEK​ ​ E uropean​ ​ b ranches
Opportunity​ ​ t o​ ​ e xchange​ ​ k nowledge​ ​ i n​ ​ i nternational​ ​ t eam
Work​ ​ i n​ ​ m odern​ ​ e nvironment​ ​ w ith​ ​ i nnovative​ ​ t echnologies
Company​ ​ s ocial​ ​ e vents
Private​ ​ h ealth​ ​ c are
Multisport​ ​ c ard
B2B​ ​ o r​ ​ c ontract​ ​ o f​ ​ w ork
Version:​ ​ 2 0160401
2​ / 2
Country:​ ​ P L
Owner:​ ​ H R​ ​ D epartment


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