Sociology (Code 039) Sample Question Paper - Class Xii, 2015 Page 2


Q21. The rural areas are experiencing the crises with reference to farmer’s suicide. Discuss the
Q22. Provide evidence to support the view that tribes are not primitive communities living in
Delineate the structural tensions faced by men and women in matrilineal system.
Q23. Discuss how the market has significance much beyond economic functions.
How industrialization led to de-industrialisation in some sectors of Indian Society?
Q25. Prince, a 5 yrs old boy had fallen into a 55 ft borewell shaft in Alenharhi village in
Kurukshetra. Haryana and was rescued by the army after a 50 hours ordeal in which a parallel
shaft was dug through a well. Along with food, a closed circuit television camera (CCTV) had
been lowered into the shaft in which the little boy was trapped. Two news channels suspended
all other programmes and reporting of all other events and for two days continuous footage of
the child bravely fighting off insects, sleeping or crying out to his mother was splashed on the
TV screen. They even interviewed many people outside the temples asking them “what do you
feel about Prince?” They asked people to send SMS for Prince. (Prince ke liye aapka sandesh
hamein bheje xxx pe). Thousands of people had descended at the site and several free
community kitchens were run for 2 days. It soon created a national hysteria and concern and
people were shown praying in temples, mosques, churches and gurudwaras. There are other
such instances when the TV is shown to intrude into personal lives of people.
(i) What is the likely impact of this competition among television channels to outdo one
another in running exclusive live coverage of events for gaining higher viewership.
(ii) Can we look at this issue as a kind of voyeurism (peep into some other people’s
private/intimate moments) indulged in by television cameras?


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