English Worksheet With Answers Page 32


Edit and
Use Parentheses Correctly
• Use parentheses to set off a sentence or phrase that interrupts an idea. This
includes citations in research reports.
Americans (according to ACNielsen) watch more than four hours of TV each
day. That means they watch twenty-eight hours per week (Herr 8).
• Place end punctuation after the end parenthesis of a citation or interrupting
American children spend 1,500 hours per year watching TV (compared with 900
hours per year attending school).
They also see approximately 30,000 TV commercials per year (Hartung 23).
• Place the end quotation mark for a direct quotation before the citation in
In years to come, “Americans will spend half their lives watching TV, going
online, listening to music, and reading” (Kornblum A5).
Try It
A. (7–10) Fix the four errors in punctuation. Use proofreader’s marks.
Most people think it began with Survivor, but reality TV has
Proofreader’s Marks
actually been around for nearly as long as television itself late
Add parentheses:
1930s . The phenomenon began in 1948 with a show called
The first television was built
in 1927 Jones 15 .
Candid Camera Jacobs 52 . Created and hosted by Allen Funt,
Add quotation marks:
the show featured ordinary Americans who found themselves in
I saw you on TV last night,
perplexing situations, which were set up by the show’s producers.
she said.
These scenarios usually involved trick props a desk with
drawers that randomly pop open, for example or some other
I like like reality TV.
type of prank. In one episode, Funt “pretended to be an airport
security person and instructed passengers to go down the
conveyor belt through a fake X-ray machine (Jacobs 146)”. The
show’s victims would be confused and sometimes angry until they
heard the famous tag line: “Smile! You’re on Candid Camera!”


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