Science Entry Examination Worksheet With Answers - Whitgift School Page 48


Whitgift School
M13. (a)
the number of turns or coils of wire
accept ‘the coils’
accept ‘the turns’
1 (L5)
any one from
the current
the length or thickness or material of the wire or coil
accept ‘the voltage or power’
accept ‘the wire’
the circumference of the coil
the size of paper-clips
accept ‘the paper-clips’; ‘position of the coil on the nail’;
‘tightness of the coil’; accept ‘distance between turns’;
‘the nail’
do not accept ‘the number of paper-clips’
1 (L5)
any one from
count the paper-clips picked up
accept ‘number of paper-clips’; ‘count them’
measure their mass
accept ‘weigh them’; ‘the more clips the stronger
the magnet’;
‘measure the distance at which a magnet will just pick up
a paper-clip’
1 (L5)
any one from
an inaccuracy in results
accept a description of inaccuracies, such as
‘she counted the number of clips wrongly’
a problem with the data or results
a problem with the method
accept ‘something wrong with the tests’
accept ‘she used different sized paper-clips’
accept ‘the paper-clips were already magnetised’
accept ‘she did something wrong’
‘the test is unfair’ is insufficient
1 (L6)
Whitgift School
| 13+ Science Examination - Sample Paper


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