Science Entry Examination Worksheet With Answers - Whitgift School Page 44


Whitgift School
M10. (a)
a ruler
accept ‘a metre rule’
accept ‘a tape measure’
‘cm’ is insufficient ‘a measuring stick’ is insufficient
1 (L3)
do not accept ‘30 seconds’
1 (L3)
A to B: any number from 5 to 15
accept a range such as ‘5 to 10’
1 (L4)
D to E: any number from 45 to 80
accept a range such as ‘50 to 60’
1 (L4)
any one from
you can measure smaller intervals of time
accept ‘each section burns for a shorter time’
accept ‘it is more precise or accurate’
‘it is easier to read’ is insufficient
the lines are closer
accept ‘the lines are close’
accept ‘the lines are further apart on candle 1’
accept ‘the lines are 1 cm apart on candle 1
and 0.5 cm apart on candle 3’
accept ‘there are more lines or smaller spaces
or smaller segments’
accept ‘more sections or rings’
‘the lines are smaller’ is insufficient
1 (L4)
Whitgift School
| 13+ Science Examination - Sample Paper


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