Science Entry Examination Worksheet With Answers - Whitgift School Page 41


Whitgift School
an error during the investigation
accept ‘the wrong mass was added’
accept ‘not enough salt was added’
accept ‘too much water’
do not accept ‘too much salt’
1 (L6)
both the answer ‘Abi’ and the correct explanation
are required for the mark
need to check accuracy or correct an error or
accept ‘to check whether it is right or wrong’ check an anomaly
accept ‘to check whether it is right or wrong’
accept ‘she might have done it differently’
accept ‘it’s a freak result’
‘it is a fair test’ is insufficient
you can predict the results from the pattern in the graph
accept ‘you can use the graph’
accept ‘you can ignore the point’
accept ‘there is enough evidence’
both the answer ‘Robert’ and the correct explanation
are required for the mark
award a mark if both Abi and Robert are ticked if the
reason given explains why both could be correct
1 (L6)
cannot tell
if all four rows are correct, award two marks
if two or three rows are correct, award one mark
if more than one box is ticked on any row,
award no credit for that row
2 (L6)
Whitgift School
| 13+ Science Examination - Sample Paper


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