Science Entry Examination Worksheet With Answers - Whitgift School Page 37


Whitgift School
if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
1 (L3)
any one from
best needs to be defined
accept ‘best needs to be described’
accept ‘you do not know what best means’
best is not observable or measurable
best is subjective
accept ‘it is not doable’
accept ‘best is an opinion or judgement’
accept ‘best is not clear’
1 (L3)
any one from
use the same area of material each time
use the same volume of water
accept ‘same amount of material’
accept ‘same size of rucksack’
accept ‘same amount of water’
accept ‘same liquid’
accept ‘same timing’
accept ‘allow the water to drip through the
material for the same length of time’
accept ‘keep the temperature the same’
do not accept ‘do it more than once’
1 (L3)
any one from
measuring cylinder
stopclock or stopwatch
accept ‘measuring beaker’
accept ‘clock’ or ‘timer’ or ‘watch’
do not accept ‘cylinder’ or ‘measuring tube’
or ‘measuring jug’
1 (L3)
Whitgift School
| 13+ Science Examination - Sample Paper


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