Science Entry Examination Worksheet With Answers - Whitgift School Page 36


Whitgift School
divide the distance by the time
accept ‘
’ or ‘
‘how many metres it travelled per minute or second’ is
accept ‘
’ if height is given in part (i)
‘m/s’ is insufficient
accept ‘distance over time’
’ is insufficient
1 (L7)
any one from
the negative numbers
the –20 and/or the –70
1 (L7)
all three points plotted correctly as shown below
accept points plotted within ± ½ small square of the correct
1 (L6)
an appropriate line of best fit as shown above
accept a line of best fit consistent with the plotted points
1 (L7)
26 g
accept the x axis intercept ± 1 small square from the line of
best fit drawn
1 (L7)
Whitgift School
| 13+ Science Examination - Sample Paper


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