Science Entry Examination Worksheet With Answers - Whitgift School Page 33


Whitgift School
M1. (a)
any one from
zinc displaces copper from the copper sulphate
zinc changes places with copper
accept ‘copper is displaced by the zinc’
accept ‘the more reactive metal displaces
or takes the place of the other one’
accept ‘zinc takes the sulphate’
1 (L6)
he only needed to find out the temperature rise or change
1 (L7)
any one from
magnesium is the most reactive metal used
the biggest difference in reactivity is between magnesium
and copper
accept ‘magnesium is above the others’
accept ‘magnesium is more reactive than iron and zinc’
1 (L7)
any one from
the reactivity is nearly the same
they are next to each other in the reactivity series
accept ‘zinc is slightly more reactive than iron’
‘zinc is more reactive than iron’ is insufficient
1 (L7)
Would there be a
rise in temperature?
aluminium +
sodium chloride
calcium +
zinc sulphate
lead +
zinc chloride
magnesium +
iron chloride
Whitgift School
| 13+ Science Examination - Sample Paper


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