Science Entry Examination Worksheet With Answers - Whitgift School Page 21


Whitgift School
Why did Sally set up beaker C? Tick the correct box.
for a fair test
for accuracy
for reliability
for a control
1 mark
Sally used diagrams to show what happened in her investigation.
Use the diagrams above to answer the following questions.
Which diagram shows the results of beaker B? Write the letter.
1 mark
Which diagram shows the results of beaker A? Write the letter.
1 mark
What does saliva contain that causes starch to change in beaker A?
1 mark
Sally chewed a piece of bread for 5 minutes without swallowing.
What would she notice about the taste of the bread after chewing for 5 minutes?
Use Sally’s results to help you.
1 mark
maximum 8 marks
Whitgift School
| 13+ Science Examination - Sample Paper


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