Science Entry Examination Worksheet With Answers - Whitgift School Page 20


Whitgift School
Sally investigated how the human body digests and absorbs starch.
She used saliva to digest the starch.
To model digestion she used special bags made from a semi-permeable membrane.
These bags have lots of very small holes.
Sally sets up the equipment as shown below. There is one special bag in each beaker.
She keeps the water in the beakers at 37ºC.
After 20 minutes, Sally tested the contents of each beaker and bag for starch and sugar.
The table below shows Sally’s results.
Was starch
Was starch
Was sugar
Was sugar found
found in the
found in the
found in the
in the bag?
beaker A
beaker B
beaker C
Suggest why Sally kept the water at 37ºC.
1 mark
Explain why sugar was found in the bag in beaker A.
1 mark
Starch was not found in the water outside the bag in any beaker.
Suggest why.
1 mark
Whitgift School
| 13+ Science Examination - Sample Paper


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