Percents And Probability Worksheet With Answers - Lesson 12-19 Page 49


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I am an elementary school teacher. Good planning is the key to a
successful day for an elementary teacher. I have students about
7 hours a day.
I want every moment to have value. Math helps me to plan each day.
If I plan too much time for an activity, my students might get bored. If I plan
too little time, students may not get the concept that I am trying to teach. Using
math to plan out how much time to spend on each activity is something I do every day.
No matter what subject I am teaching, it is important that students are able to relate it to their lives.
I let students know that they use math everyday at home as well as in school. When they help with
cooking, they are using measurement and fractions. When shopping, they are adding, subtracting
and using decimals. Math is a subject that goes far beyond the four walls of our classroom.
To enter the field of education a person needs to have a Bachelor’s degree. Most colleges now require a
Bachelor’s degree plus a fifth year in a School of Education. Some teachers go on for another year or
two of school to get a Master’s degree. I completed a fifth year and earned a Master’s degree.
On average, a beginning teacher’s salary is about $29,000 per year. Teacher salaries go up with years of
experience. Salaries increase if teachers continue to take college classes or trainings. A teacher who has
taken many classes and has a Master’s degree earns up to $70,000 per year.
I love my career. My mother was also a teacher and she was my inspiration. Many of my mother’s
former students made comments about how they would never forget her because she taught them to
read. Comments like these impacted my decision to be a teacher. I wanted to be part of something so
memorable to people. In a way, I see myself as a sculptor. I help mold and shape the minds of many
young people. Teaching is rewarding, enriching, creative and enduring. In my opinion, there is no
better profession than teaching.
Block 3 ~ Review


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