Percents And Probability Worksheet With Answers - Lesson 12-19 Page 40


In 2007, Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon did not have a sales tax. Th e remaining
forty-fi ve states in the United States have sales taxes. A
sales tax
is a tax placed on items sold at stores in the
state. Th e taxes are considered as revenue for the state government. Th e tax is a mark-up applied to an item
above the price listed on the price tag of an item. Most states do not tax food. Sometimes counties and cities
have additional sales taxes on items to raise money for county or city budget expenditures.
Leah bought a new stereo in seattle, Washington for
examPle 3
$250. Find the actual amount she paid at the checkout
counter if she was charged:
a. the state sales tax of 6.5%.
b. the city and state tax combined of 8.45%.
a. Find 6.5% of $250.
Use the percent equation.
x = 0.065 ∙ 250
x = 16.25
Leah paid an additional $16.25.
Add both amounts for the total.
$250 + $16.25 = $266.25
Leah would pay $266.25 for the stereo, including sales tax.
b. Find 8.45% of $250.
x = 0.0845 ∙ 250
Use the percent equation.
x = 21.125
Round to the nearest cent.
21.125 ≈ 21.13
Leah paid an additional $21.13.
Add both amounts for the total.
$250 + $21.13 = $271.13
Leah would pay $271.13 with the city and state taxes combined.
roy paid $8.05 for an antique model truck. It was on sale for 30% off .
examPle 4
Find the original price of the model truck.
Let x be the original price of the model. Since the
model was 30% off , Roy paid 70% of the original
price. Th is means 70% of the original price is $8.05.
= 8.05
Write a proportion.
Use cross products to solve.
70x = 805
x = 11.5
Th e antique model truck was originally $11.50.
Lesson 19 ~ Percent Applications


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