Percents And Probability Worksheet With Answers - Lesson 12-19 Page 15


today at batting practice Lou hit 12 home runs out of the 40 pitches thrown to him.
examPle 2
use experimental probability to predict how many home runs he will hit tomorrow
if he gets 30 pitches.
Let x = number of home runs hit tomorrow. Write a proportion using Lou’s
experimental probability as one ratio.
number of home runs hit tomorrow
number of home runs Lou hit
number of pitches thrown tomorrow
number of pitches thrown
= x __
12 __
Write a proportion.
Use cross products to solve.
40x = 360
x = 9
He should hit about 9 home runs tomorrow.
Sarah surfs with her friends in Pacifi c City. Her friend, Mark, caught 8 waves
out of 20 possible waves to ride in to shore. Th ey stay out in the water for
50 more waves. Predict how many of the 50 waves Mark will catch.
A professional basketball player practiced shooting free throws before a game.
He made 12 of 15 shots. Predict how many free throws he will make in the game
if he has 5 opportunities.
Aiden fl ipped a coin 20 times. It landed heads 12 times.
a. Use experimental probability to fi nd P(heads).
b. Use Aiden’s experimental probability to predict how many heads he will get if he fl ips the coin 30 times.
c. Find P(heads) when fl ipping a coin once using theoretical probability.
d. Use theoretical probability to predict how many heads Aiden will get if he fl ips the coin 20 times.
e. Use theoretical probability to predict how many heads Aiden will get if he fl ips the coin 30 times.
Casey polled 50 seventh grade students. He asked who they planned to vote for as class president.
Th irty students said they would vote for Hillary. Twenty said they would vote for Marcus.
a. Find P(a student votes for Hillary) using
experimental probability.
b. Use this probability to predict how many seventh graders
in their class of 450 students will vote for Hillary.
c. Would you predict a victory for Hillary?
Explain why or why not.
Lesson 14 ~ Use Probability To Predict


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