Percents And Probability Worksheet With Answers - Lesson 12-19 Page 13


use PrOBaBility tO Predict
Lesson 14
ohn predicted who was going to win the class election for president.
He took a poll. He asked 30 seventh graders who they were going to
vote for. Twenty of those asked said they were going to vote for Mike.
2 _
Th is meant
of those asked were going to vote for Mike. Based on this
experimental probability, John predicted Mike would win.
Cheryl wanted to know how many salmon make it through the salmon runs
on the Columbia River. She tagged a few salmon down river. She kept track
of the tagged salmon that made it through the runs. She used her information
to predict the overall number of salmon that made it through the runs.
Experimental probability is used to make predictions. John used it to predict who would win a class election.
Cheryl used experimental probability to predict how many salmon made it through the salmon runs. You will
use capturing and recapturing beans to make a prediction in the
caPture / recaPture
Th e white beans represent salmon in the Columbia River in this experiment.
step 1: Take out a handful of white beans and replace them with black beans. Th e black beans represent the
tagged salmon. Record how many black beans are put into the bag with the white beans.
number of tagged beans: __________
step 2: Mix the white and black beans together. Take out a small handful of
beans. Record the total number of beans in the sample and how many
are tagged.
number of tagged (black) beans in handful: _______
total number of beans in handful: _______
step 3: Use the proportion below to estimate the total number of beans (x) that are actually in the bag.
tagged beans in handful
tagged beans in bag (number from Step 1)
total beans in handful
total beans in bag (x)
Use your information from steps 1 and 2 to fi ll in the proportion and solve for x.
____ = ____
Round the answer to the nearest whole number. Record it in the chart in step 4.
Lesson 14 ~ Use Probability To Predict


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