Summer Math: Entering Algebra 1
Totally 10 Activity
Your task is to choose from the list of activities below following these guidelines:
1) You must complete ten activities.
2) Choose at least one activity from each of the categories:
a. The Number System (NS)
b. Geometry (G)
c. Expressions and Equations (EE)
d. Functions (F)
e. Statistics and Probability (SP)
3) The remaining activities can be chosen from any category. Challenge yourself: do more
problems for possible extra credit.
4) All work should be done on the provided worksheet.
5) Please do one activity per worksheet.
6) Fill out the top portion of the Totally 10 Activity Worksheet for each problem. Use Category
Code provided in parentheses above and the name of the problem under Question Title.
7) Each activity will be assessed using the state scoring rubric of 0-‐3.
8) Use the general rubric to be sure that each of your answers meets the highest expectations.
9) Use the Four Step Problem Solving method for each activity.
Resources that you will need to complete the project: (Available online on Student Portal website)
1) Answer Worksheet (One per problem)
2) Four Steps to Problem Solving/ Problem Solving Strategies
3) General Scoring Rubric
4) Graph paper
Additional resources that you may need:
1) Calculator
2) Ruler
3) Protractor