Ap Chemistry Michalek - Unit 7: Atomic Structure And Periodicity Worksheet Page 11


AP Chemistry--Michalek
Unit 7 Atomic Structure and Periodicity
Worksheet 7.03
Bohr’s Orbitals
1. Calculate the wavelengths of the light emitted when each of the following transitions occur in the hydrogen
a. n = 3 → n = 2
b. n = 4 → n = 2
c. n = 5 → n = 3
2. Using vertical lines, indicate the trasistion form the above problem on an energy – level diagram for the
hydrogen atom (see fig 7.8)
3. An excited hydrogen atom emits light with a frequency of 1.141 x 10
Hz to reach the energy levelj for
which n = 4. In what principle quantum level did the electron begin?
4. From the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, calculate Δx for a baseball (mass = 145g) with Δv 0.100m/s.
How does this Δx compare to the size of the baseball?
5. Calculate the maximum wavelength of light capable of removing an electron for a hydrogen atom form the
energy state characterized by n = 4 to n = 10.


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