4-1 Graphing Equations In Slope-Intercept Form Worksheet - Cognero Page 4


4-1 Graphing Equations in Slope-Intercept Form
c.  3112 manatees
50.  TRAVEL  A rental company charges $8 per hour for a mountain bike plus a $5 fee for a helmet.
a.  Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the total rental cost C for a helmet and a bicycle for t hours.
b.  Graph the equation.
c.  What would the cost be for two helmets and 2 bicycles for 8 hours?
a.  C = 8t + 5
c.  $138
51.  CCSS REASONING For Illinois residents, the average tuition at Chicago State University is $157 per credit hour.
Fees cost $218 per year.
a. Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the tuition T for c credit hours.
b. Find the cost for a student who is taking 32 credit hours.
a. T = 157c + 218
b. $5242
60.  MAGAZINES  A teen magazine began with a circulation of 500,000 in its first year. Since then, the circulation has
increased an average of 33,388 per year.
a.  Write an equation that represents the circulation c after t years.
b.  What does the slope represent?
c.  What does the c-intercept represent?
d.  If the magazine began in 1944, and this trend continues, in what year will the circulation reach 3,000,000?
a.  c = 33,388y + 500,000
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b.  t he increase in circulation each year


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