Mcas Mathematics Test With Answer Key - Grade 7, 2014 Page 11


Session 2
ID:301837 A Common
ID:272139 C Common
The price, c, in dollars, of a winter
The nutrition label on Erin’s box of
animal crackers states that 16 crackers
coat that Jamal wants to buy has been
contain 24 grams of carbohydrates.
discounted 20%. The expression below
can be used to find the discounted price,
Erin ate 12 animal crackers from the
in dollars, of the coat.
box. What is the number of grams of
carbohydrates in 12 animal crackers?
1c 2 0.20c
Which of the following expressions
A. 8 grams
shows another way to determine the
B. 12 grams
discounted price, in dollars, of the coat?
C. 18 grams
A. 0.80c
D. 20 grams
B. 1.20c
D. 120c
ID:281695 B Common
Which of the following sets of steps
could be used to completely solve the
equation below?
3x 1 9 5 15
A. add 9 to each side, and then
multiply each side by 3
B. subtract 9 from each side, and then
divide each side by 3
C. multiply each side by 3, and then
add 9 to each side
D. divide each side by 3, and then
subtract 9 from each side


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