Summer Vacations Assignment For Classes I To Viii - Shree Krishna Pranami Public School, Siwani Mandi Page 9


Shree Krishna Pranami Public School, Siwani Mandi
Summer Vacations Assignment for Classes I to VIII
16. Why should we put a handkerchief on nose and mouth while sneezing?
17. Name some preservatives available in homes.
18. Micro-organisms that are the connecting link between living and non-living
19. Name the process of converting sugar into alcohol.
20. Name a useful virus.
21. A fungus used for making antibiotics
22. The causative organism of cholera
23 Where do we find micro-organisms?
24. Give the full form of DPT vaccine.
25 Name the carrier of dengue virus.
26 Name the micro-organisms help in decomposing dead and decaying plants.
27. The process used for sterilization of milk by boiling
28. Name a fungal disease in plants.
29. Can micro-organisms cause diseases in plants too?
30. Can diseases spread in plants too?
Topic- Synthetic Fibres and plastics
1. What is the other name for Rayon?
2. Full form of PVC
3. A polymer of ester
4. A thermoset used for making electrical switches
5. A synthetic fibre used for making parachutes and ropes for rock climbing
6. A plastic used for non-sticking coating on cookware’s
7. Polymer in cotton fiber
8. Plastic used for making floor tiles and kitchenware
9. Is thermoset a cross linked polymer?
10. Name the polymer used for making thermo-cole.
11. What are thermosetting plastics?
12. What is the full form of 4R principle?
13. Give an example of addition polymer.
14. Name a popular polyester.
15. What is sericulture?
16. Name two natural fibers.
17. An artificial fibre stronger than a steel wire
18. What are thermoplastics?
19 Name the first fully synthetic fibre.
20. What is the term given to the mixture of terrylenefibres and cotton fibres?
21. What is the main raw material used for making artificial fibres?
22. Which plastic softens on heating


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