Summer Vacations Assignment For Classes I To Viii - Shree Krishna Pranami Public School, Siwani Mandi Page 8


Shree Krishna Pranami Public School, Siwani Mandi
Summer Vacations Assignment for Classes I to VIII
9. Name some leguminous plants.
10. Another name for RAHAT that is the traditional method of irrigation.
11. The main part of plough that is made up of wood
12 Are damaged seeds heavier than healthy seeds?
13. Full form of NPK fertilizer
14. Name a crop in which transplantation is done.
15. Name few kharif crops.
16. Why some seeds float on water?
17. Process of putting seeds in the field for growth
18. What is a manure?
19. What is a combine?
20. Name the famous harvest festival in Punjab.
21. Name a tool used for harvesting.
22. What is animal husbandry?
23. Name a common fertilizer.
24 Is use of fertilizer good for the soil an d aquatic animals?
25. What is pisciculture?
26. What are rodents?
27. Large containers used for storage of food grains
28 Can we grow wheat in rainy season?
29. What is the name of rice seeds with seed coat
30. Which irrigation system is very useful in sandy soil?
Topic: Micro-organisms: Friend and Foe
1. Name the primitive plants that can do photosynthesis.
2. Name a nitrogen fixing bacteria.
3. A bacteria that helps in curdling of milk
4. Name the organism that cause Malaria
5. Name a fungus used for production of alcohol and wine.
6. What are antibiotics?
7. Name the plant by that we get quinine.
8. What are vectors?
9. Give the full form of AIDS.
10. What are communicable diseases?
11. Is spoiling of food a chemical reaction?
12. Who discovered penicillium?
13. Who discovered vaccine for the small pox?
14. Name the vaccine given against tuberculosis.
15. Is injection a vaccine?


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