Summer Vacations Assignment For Classes I To Viii - Shree Krishna Pranami Public School, Siwani Mandi Page 3


Shree Krishna Pranami Public School, Siwani Mandi
Summer Vacations Assignment for Classes I to VIII
e) Collect pictures of your parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins. Make a family album with their names and
f) Draw, color and label five sense organs.
1. Do 10-10 sums of addition and subtraction.
2. Write number names 1 to 100.
3. Write and learn tables 2 to 10.
Activity-Chart making-Make a chart of different shapes.
Project-Write the names of your family members and count letters in each of them. Write their number and number names.
1. Draw any two fruits and two flowers as you like and colour these.
2. Draw two scenery by our own imagination and colour these by crayon colour.
1. Explain IPO cycle with the help of example. Draw diagram also.
2. Draw a keyboard and write functions of various keys.
Class III
1. Write and learn 50 three forms of verbs.
2. Write and learn 50 genders.
3. Write and learn 50 singulars and plurals with the use of-es,-ves,-ies.
4. Listen to a story form your grand parents and write it in your own words.
5. Write a paragraph on computer.
1) Collect information about all seven continents and paste pictures of historical monuments in scrap book.
2) Make a chart of different types of pollution
Write and learn tables from 2 to 13.
Project: To collect the record of favourite dish of 15 members od your family and represent it in pictorial form.
Make a record of total men, women and children of your locality and find the total population of the locality.
Draw 5 living things and 5 non-living things having line and no line of symmetry.
Collect the pictures of carnivorous, herbivorous and omnivorous animals (10-10 of each of them) and try to make drawing of them in
your holiday homework notebook.
Make a first-aid box and draw a ‘red cross’ (+) on it.
Take some garden soil and perform the activity on layers of soil. Now observe and identify different layers of the soil and write down
them in your scrapbook.
Collect feathers of different birds, paste them in your scrapbook and write the name of the birds also.
Collect different types of leaves and flowers and paste them in your scrapbook and write the name of the plants also.
1. Write steps to shut down the computer.


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