Summer Vacations Assignment For Classes I To Viii - Shree Krishna Pranami Public School, Siwani Mandi


Shree Krishna Pranami Public School, Siwani Mandi
Summer Vacations Assignment for Classes I to VIII
Class I
Write names of 10 fruits, 10 flowers.10 colours, 10 vegetables, 10 wild animals, 10 pet animals.
Paste pictures of 5 person, 5 places and 5 animals 5 things. Paste a picture of a market and write 10 lines on it. Practice writing one
page everyday and one page reading, revise covered syllabus.
Chapter 1 to 5
1. Write five lines about myself.
2. Write 20 body parts
3. Write 5 healthy habits you follow at your home.
4. Make a family tree and write names of your family members (In your notebook)
5. Write 5 healthy habits you follow at your home ( In notebook)
6. Draw or Paste pictures of five healthy and five unhealthy foods and also label them.
7. Draw, colour and label five sense organs on a medium size chart paper
Chapter 1 to 5 test after summer vacations
(Use separate notebook for holiday homework)
1. Write number names 1 to 50.
2. Write and learn tables 1 to 10.
3 .Do 10-10 sums of addition and subtraction.
Activity-Draw alphabets using matchstick and write down letters with sleeping and standing lines.
Projects-Write the names of your classmates and count the number of letters in each name and write number names also.
1. Draw three summer fruits and colour these.
2. Draw two sceneries by our own imagination and colour these by crayon colour.
1. Draw outdoor and indoor machines and color them.
2. Write uses of computers in your notebook.
Class II
Q.A. Rearrange the following sentences correctly
1. He got Caught in a net
2 A lion was walking through the forest looking for food
3 .He tried but could not free himself.
4. A mouse saw the lion trying to free himself.
5. It bit through the net and set the lion free.
Q.B. Fill in the blanks using the given words
( Marks: 15)
Bows , Arrows , Brother , Sister , Fruits , Vegetables , Shirts , Trousers , Kitchen , bedroom


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